Facebook’s Video Ad Formats: What Works Best?

Facebook’s Video Ad Formats: What Works Best?

As social media continues to dominate the digital marketing landscape, Facebook remains a powerful platform for advertisers. One of the most effective tools in a marketer’s arsenal is the Facebook Video Ad. But with various formats available, it can be challenging to determine which one will best achieve your goals. This blog post will explore the different Facebook Video Ads formats and provide insights into what works best for different objectives.

The Power of Facebook Video Ads

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand why Facebook Video Ads are so effective. Video content is engaging, versatile, and can convey complex messages quickly. On Facebook, videos autoplay in users’ feeds, grabbing their attention immediately. This automatic engagement combined with Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities makes video ads a potent tool for reaching potential customers.

Facebook Video Ad
Image source: https://madgicx.com/blog/facebook-ad-formats

In-Feed Video Ads

What Are They?

In-feed video ads appear directly in a user’s news feed, blending seamlessly with organic content. The ads autoplay as users scroll and makes them less intrusive and more likely to capture attention.

Best Uses

In-feed video ads are ideal for brand awareness and engagement campaigns. They can be used to showcase new products, share brand stories, or highlight customer testimonials. Their native placement helps ensure they feel more like organic content, increasing the likelihood of user interaction.

Tips for Success

  • ⦁ Start Strong: Hook viewers within the first few seconds to prevent them from scrolling past.
  • ⦁ Use Captions: Many users watch videos without sound, so captions can ensure your message is still conveyed.
  • ⦁ Keep it Short: Attention spans are short on social media, so aim for videos under 30 seconds.

Stories Video Ads

What Are They?

Stories video ads appear between organic stories on Facebook and Instagram. These full-screen ads are immersive and ephemeral, disappearing after 24 hours unless saved by the user.

Best Uses

Stories video ads are perfect for limited-time promotions, behind-the-scenes content, and interactive campaigns. Their full-screen format provides an engaging experience that can lead to higher engagement rates.

Tips for Success

  • ⦁ Be Authentic: Stories should feel organic and genuine, reflecting the raw, unpolished nature of the format.
  • ⦁ Incorporate Interaction: Use polls, questions, and other interactive elements to engage viewers.
  • ⦁ Vertical Format: Optimize your videos for a vertical view to ensure they look great on mobile devices.

Carousel Video Ads

What Are They?

Carousel video ads allow advertisers to showcase up to ten videos or images within a single ad unit. Users can swipe by the carousel for viewing of every piece of content.

Best Uses

Carousel video ads are excellent for product showcases, step-by-step tutorials, and storytelling. They provide a flexible format that can highlight multiple aspects of your brand or product in one ads.

Tips for Success

  • ⦁ Tell a Story: Use the carousel format to create a narrative or guide users through a process.
  • ⦁ Consistency: Ensure each card in the carousel is visually cohesive to create a seamless experience.
  • ⦁ Call to Action: Include a clear call to action on each card to drive user engagement.

Collection Video Ads

What Are They?

Collection video ads combine a cover video with a collection of product images or videos below it. When users click on the ad, they are taken to a full screen experience where they can browse and purchase products.

Best Uses

Collection video ads are ideal for e-commerce brands looking to drive sales directly from the ad. They provide an immersive shopping experience that can significantly boost conversions.

Tips for Success

  • ⦁ Showcase Products: Highlight a range of products in the collection to appeal to different customer preferences.
  • ⦁ High-Quality Visuals: Use high-quality images and videos to make your products stand out.
  • ⦁ Seamless Experience: Ensure the transition from the ad to the shopping experience is smooth and intuitive.
Facebook Video Ads
Image source: https://marketfinder.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en_us/guide/choose-right-video-format


Facebook Video Ads offer a variety of formats to suit different marketing objectives. By understanding the strengths of each format and following best practices, you can create compelling video ads that capture attention, engage viewers, and drive results. Experiment with different formats to see what works best for your brand, and continuously optimize your approach to maximize the impact of your Facebook Video Ad campaigns.